Home » Articles Preliminary Probate MattersAbout ProbateReporting the DeathThe Decedent’s Body or RemainsThe Texas Death CertificateFuneral Costs & Last Expenses in TexasThe Decedent’s BillsSecuring the Decedent’s PropertyTemporary Probate Administration inInformation to Locate After DeathThe Decedent’s Final PaycheckAccessing the Decedent’s Safe Deposit BoxBank and Mortgage Account InformationThe Decedent’s Rental DwellingHiring a Probate AttorneyPre-Filing Probate ConsiderationsDependent Probate AdministrationIndependent Probate AdministrationSelecting the Personal RepresentativeThe Personal Representative’s Tasks, Duties, & LiabilityPosting Bond in Texas Probate CasesThe Initial Probate Court ProceedingsSelecting the Probate CourtThe Probate ApplicationProving Up the Will in CourtProbate When There is No WillTaking the Oath & Letters TestamentaryProbate for a Missing PersonProbate Involving a Minor or Disabled AdultDealing with the Decedent’s PropertyWho Owns the Decedent’s PropertyProbate vs. Non-Probate PropertyHandling Probate PropertyCash & Promissory NotesHome & ResidenceStocks, Bonds & Mutual FundsOperating BusinessesSetting Aside Exempt PropertyAllowance in Lieu of Exempt Property (coming soon)Wrapping Up the ProbateNotice to CreditorsThe Family AllowancePaying CreditorsPaying the Personal RepresentativeMedicaid Estate Recovery ProgramPaying State & IRS Taxes (coming soon)Records, Annual Accounting & Tax ReturnsFiling the Inventory & AppraismentDisclaiming PropertyMaking Distributions (coming soon)Closing the ProbateAncillary ProbateWhich state law applies (coming soon)Ancillary Probate in TexasAncillary Probate Out of Texas (coming soon)Alternatives to ProbateAffidavit of HeirshipOrder of No AdministrationInformal Administration of Community PropertyFamily Settlement AgreementMuniment of TitleSmall Estate AffidavitHeirship for a Motor VehicleProbate DisputesWill ContestsUndue InfluenceLack of Capacity Immediate DownloadFREE Access to Our Texas Probate GuideDon't miss out, get a copy today! Download NowSee also Sidebar Arguments in Probate Litigation are Grounds for a New Trial